I have worked in France as buyer for an English construction company and fallen foul of the Choppa Elijah Moore picture collage shirt In addition,I will do this business relationship expected. It is customary for construction British construction companies to find themselves with time difficulties towards the end of the contracts. In UK the buyer has to use all their powers of persuasion to try for better delivery terms and often the inducement of a payment for overtime working or even, when you are new to the supplier, an offer of cash on collection or deliver can solve the problem. For the first one in France was the reply by the Managing Director ‘There is not enough money to compensate us for not being with our families at a weekend!’ – the items were made over the weekend in UK and delivered in France the following Monday. The second was offering a cash payment as our office had been burgled and the check books stolen so we were working on cash whilst the Mills of the Gods of French Banking took forever to sort it out. The supplier immediately lost all interest as if we couldn’t pay by checque, which is a debt of honour, then we were not a trustworthy company. The French attitude to being asked to make special delivery for you is that they have told you what they can do and if you try to impose your problems on them that is Bad Manners.
